Hardware Requirement:
OBIEE 10g will occupy the 2 GB Hard Disk space to install. Decide yourself which Disk you are going to install and start Installation. It is preferable if the system is having the following Specification:
RAM: 2 GB (Preferable)
Hard Disk Space: 2 GB Minimum
Temporary Disc space: 200 MB
Download the OBIEE 10g from the following Link:
So We will now start the installation process of OBIEE 10g in Windows.
Once you dowloaded the software of OBIEE 10g, Unzip it in a specific folder
1. Go to unzipped file Server -> Setup.Exe
It will start with the following Screen.
2. The immediate Next Screen will show how only the information of We need 2 GB Hard Disk space and 200MB disk space. The screen like following
Just Click on Next to continue the installation process.
3. Next Screen will appear like following. Here you have to give the folder name where you want to install the OBIEE 10g. It will ask to folder Names.
C:\OracleBI for Admin Tool Process related with OracleBIServer Service
C:\OracleBIData for Webcatalog related with OracleBIPresentationService
with the above option, Select Basic Option and Click Next
4. Next Screen will give the choice that what are the component we want with the installation. Select "Complete" and Click Next
5. This screen will give what are the components of OBIEE 10g going to install. By default all the components are selected. If you don't want any of the components, you have the choice to unselect it.
6. In the following screen, we have to specify the installed JDK Location and Enter OC4JAdmin Password. Keep that in Mind. This password is getting used to Login with Enterprise Manager and to UnInstall the OBIEE.
7. The Next Screen you provide the Windows Authentication detail or you can simply click the Next button to continue installation. Here you can select the option that what are all the services you want to start Manually or Automatically.
8. After the changes, Click Next button and select which language you want to see the Error Message Language Selection
9. So, The installation will start with the following Screen and It will take some moment to install all the components of OBIEE 10g
10. We will get Installing OBIEE Components 100% Screen and following that the other screen also will come.
11. with the above the Screen, the whole installation process in finished. Once you restarted the System, you can see the "Oracle Business Intelligence" in Windows All Programs.
The below screen is the Login Screen of Presentation Services.
In Next Post, we will discuss the OBIEE 10g components.
Keep Rocking!!!
Monday, February 28, 2011
9 comments to "Step By Step Installation of OBIEE 10g in Windows"
Anonymous says:
Anonymous says:
Can you tell me how bring the months in the date range
ex: 01-jan-2009 to 17-mar-2009
result: jan
Bose Pandi says:
select to_char(add_months(:v_fromdate, rownum-1),'mon rrrr')
from user_objects
where rownum <= to_number(months_between(:v_todate,:v_fromdate)+1);
Anonymous says:
Thanks for the post! I was able to use it and installed OBIEE on my machine.
Question: where can i find the password for 'Administrator' when logging onto Presentation Services ?
DO you have any info on what the next steps are to get started with using the tool? Would be wonderful if you could post it here.
Thanks again!
Bose Pandian says:
Hi there!
Open Administration Tool, click on Manager menu -> Security
The Dialog will appear, there click on users from left side pan. It will show you who are users you have created in Administration Tool. By clicking on the User Name, you can change the password for the User and you can user the same password to login with Presentation Services
Anonymous says:
I am installing OBIEE in my home system. But while installing at the last step. I have been getting these below messages
1) Admintool.exe - Entry point not found
2)NQSClustercontroller.exe - Entry point not found.
3) NQScheduler.exe - Entry point not found.
Can you please help to resolve this issue
Cecilia says:
Do you have an installation document for install OBIEE 10g Admin Tool Client?
Thank you before
Anonymous says:
im having a problem opening obiee 10g the error that is given is side by side configuration is incorrect plzz help
Anonymous says:
I am having the issue of lanuching the Admintool. Each time I run, I am getting this error "
Application popup: AdminTool.exe - Entry Point Not Found : The procedure entry point ??0ODBCConfigValues@@QAE@ABV?$rope@_WV?$allocator@_W@_SASSTL@@@_SASSTL@@@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library NQUtilityClient.dll."
I reinstalled the fresh BI, but the Admintool would not work in production. But it worked on the test server after restore. Any ideas why it would not work!