Data Warehousing

Data Warehousing & Need of DW:
Commonly Data warehousing is used by the companies to analyze the trends over the Time. In other meaning, data warehousing is used to view day-to-day operations of Business for a company, but its primary function is facilitating best decision making process resulting from long-term data overviews. For example, Business Process & Models, Forecasts, Business Reports and Projections can be made. Because the main intention of the Data Warehousing is intended to provide the overview like Reporting, analyzing the past process activities.

By Technically, Data Warehousing is a Collection of Data stored in single database to describe the past Business Process in best that leads to decision making process of company. It is the read-only data that never going to change but the size will grow up over the time.

Data Warehouse:

The term Data Warehouse was coined by Bill Inmon in 1990, which he defined in the following way: "A warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant and non-volatile collection of data in support of management's decision making process"

Subject Oriented:

Data that explains information about the a particular subject of a Business instead of explaining all the process of ongoing operations of company.
For Eg: Sales 


In Data Warehouse, the data is gathered from various kind of sources and merged into a single integrated storage place.

For Eg: the sales data of a business may gathered from Excel file, Flat file, dumb file and etc.,

Time Variant:

All the data in the Data Warehouse is explaining a particular Time period and It will grow up over a time.

Non - Volatile:

The data in the Data Warehouse is stable and never changed but may grow the size because of the data is to be added over a time and the data is never removed.

A Typical Architecture of Data Warehouse:

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