How to Create New RPD - Part2

Importing Data source from SH Database:                                                             

Open the Administration Tool and create New Repository by following the below steps:

1. Select Start > Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > BI Administration

2. Click File -> New Repository -> Click Ok

3. In the window, give RPD Name "SH", give Username  "Administrator" and Password "Administrator"

after that you will get the following blank RPD and it will be saved in the following path

C:\Oracle BI\Server\Repository\SH.rpd

Before going to import the data source from SH schema, we have to create the DSN for SH Schema.

Next click on the file -> import -> from database, then will get the following screen.

Select SH DSN and enter the password of SH schema and click Ok. It will look like the screen by below:

By clicking the "OK" button from the above screen, you will get the following import popup window. so, select SH schema from that window and click import.

Once the tables are imported,  we will get all the tables in the physical layer of the RPD. The screen is looking like following:

In the Next Post, we will learn how to create relation between the table by making join between the table using physical layer diagram.

Keep Rocking!!!

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How to Create New RPD - Part1

Hi All,
   Through this post I'm explaining how to create the RPD for Sample SH schema in OBIEE 11g. This will be a good starting point for someone who wants to learn OBIEE10g. It covers the following,

1. Building Physical Layer 
2. Buiding BMM layer
3. Building Presentation Layer

Business Scenario:

Sales history schema comes with Oracle database as one of the sample schema. It explains a business scenario where company has products which are sold through multiple channels to customers with seasoned promotions to make the sales effective.

Tables of the SH Schema:                                                                                       

Table Name

Relational Diagram between the tables:                                                                 

In Next Post, we will see How to import this tables into New SH rpd and how to build all three layers of repository.

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NQS Config.INI & instanceconfig.xml file

NQSConfig.INI file is the first file you have to know when you are started working with Administration Tool.

This file contains the information that which rpd is currently running in online, cache information, authentication types and etc.,

After the installation you can see two folder in the installed path.

i.e 1. Oracle BI  - Related Administration Tool
     2. Oracle BIData - Related to Presentation Server.

you can edit and can change the NQS confiq.INI file whenever you want from the following path.

C:\Oracle BI\Server\Config\ NQS Config.INI

and same like, If you have created any new catalog in the presentation services and want to make that default, then you have change the one more file .i.e instanceconfig.xml file.

instanceconfig.xml file is available in the the following path:

C:\Oracle BIData\Config\instanceconfig.xml

We will learn How to create new RPD and New catalog one by one in the coming post.

Keep Rocking!!!

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First things to Know after Installation of OBIEE 10g

In this post, We will lear How to create new RPD. Once the Installation is over, Start OC4J from windows OBIEE Installed application.

OC4J mean Oracle Container for Java, that manages all Java and GUI components and working here as Application Server.

After Installation is completed, If you are seeing the services, three new serivces will be created.

1. Start OC4J
2. Oracle BI Server
3. Oracle BI Presentation 

You can see the services, by typing "services.msc" in run command.

OC4J is the first service has to be started when you started working with OBIEE. 

Oracle BI Services is the core service for Administration Tool, if this services is running you can open your rpd file in online mode. 

Oracle BI Presentation Services is the service that using for accessing the Oracle Answers and BI Interactive Dashboard.

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